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Catalan-English Translation Challenge: T’estimo (I love you) by Belén Aguilera

Aina Marti-Balcells calls for a Catalan Translation Challenge

· Aina Marti-Balcells,Catalan exercises,Translation Spanish

Know a bit of Catalan? Here's a Translation Challenge for you:

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Will you spend your year abroad in the Mediterranean? Are you in the mood for romantic evenings in Barcelona? Join Catalan singer Belén Aguilera and learn how to say ‘I love you’ in Catalan. Feel the warm evenings in the roofs of the city with this slow-paced song and enjoy anticipation.

Why I recommend this:

Translation Challenge! Get in the poetic mood and try to translate the song into English! Submit your translation to and participate in the contest for the best way to say ‘I love you’. The best translation will be published!

The best translation will be published on this page!

T’estimo i no tinc por
Del que vindrà després
T’estimo i no hi ha lloc
Per drames i demés
T’estimo sense dir-t’ho
I dien-t’ho també
I no hi ha res a fer
T’estimo quan somrius
I quan plores també
T’estimo perquè escoltes
I parles quan convé
T’estimo si m’abraces
I si estàs lluny sé que no passa res
Perquè m’anyores